Nightwish - Crownless [듣기/가사]음악/Nightwish 2013. 6. 4. 17:21
Crownless again shall be the queen Trophy on her grave still remains unseen A boat on the river confessing the sins The Riddler revealing the deep hidden things Crownless again shall be the king A gull covered in oil with a broken wing A hitcher on a road alone and lost Iron sharpens iron - a truth that once was Mine is the Earth and the sword in the stone Mine is the throne for the idol One fle..
Nightwish - Ghost love score [듣기/가사]음악/Nightwish 2013. 6. 4. 16:01
We used to swim the same moonlight waters Oceans away from the wakeful day My fall will be for you My love will be in you If you be the one to cut me I'll bleed forever Scent of the sea before the waking of the world Brings me to thee Into the blue memory My fall will be for you My love will be in you If you be the one to cut me I'll bleed forever Into the blue memory A siren from the deep came ..